Creation of the national map, BENIN

Creation of the national map, BENIN

Creation of the national map, BENIN IGN FI was awarded the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) tender in October 2014 for a project to create a master digital map of the entire territory of Benin at a 1:50,000 scale. Besides a few exceptions, the country’s maps had not been updated since it became Continue reading

Upgrading of the national map, MALI

Upgrading of the national map, MALI

Upgrading of the national map and modernisation of the National geographic institute, MALI The update of base maps in Mali had not been carried out since serval decades and the Geographic Institute of Mali (IGM), due to a lack of technical means, was no longer able to fully ensure its Continue reading

Inventory of Tatas Sombas, BENIN

Inventory of Tatas Sombas, BENIN

Inventory and mapping of Tatas Sombas, BENIN The Tatas, mud-brick “fortified houses” typical of the north of Benin, form a remarkable architectural heritage. A study has been made of them in a project undertaken by the French Embassy in Benin in partnership with IGN FI and the Koutamarikou and Eco Bénin Continue reading

Border lines support, CONGO

Border lines support, CONGO

Land borders and offshore border lines: negotiations support, CONGO Within the framework of the ‘Land borders and offshore borderlines: ‘negotiations support’ project, IGN FI offered the Ministry for Home Affairs and Decentralisation support in the project’s overall management, aiming to contribute to providing Congo’s National Border lines Committee with reliable Continue reading

Aerial photography & LiDAR acquisition, HAITI

Aerial photography & LiDAR acquisition, HAITI

Aerial photography, LiDAR acquisition and derivated products, HAITI As part of the Disaster Risk Management and Reconstruction project, the World Bank has funded a project aimed at producing aerial photographs covering the whole of Haiti’s territory as well as performing an aerial LiDAR survey. This baseline data was then used Continue reading

Cartography of flood zones, SENEGAL

Cartography of flood zones, SENEGAL

Jaxaay Project: cartography of flood zones, SENEGAL The country of Senegal, and more particularly the city of Dakar, has been subject to the recurring problem of flooding since 1989, a problem which has worsened over time due to strong urban pressure. A hydrological study has shown that 40 years ago Continue reading

National geomatic plan, GABON

National geomatic plan, GABON

Preliminary study and technical assistance to implement the national geomatic plan, Gabon Numerous countries, including developing countries, are now integrating National Geomatic Plans (NGP) as a key element of their national development strategy. An NGP is a complete set of actions that consist in bringing together and creating geographical data Continue reading