IGN FI starts a land administration project in Mozambique

IGN FI starts a land administration project in Mozambique

The Government of Mozambique, with the support of the World Bank, has launched the Terra Segura Project in 2019. The main objective of the project is to strengthen land tenure security in certain districts and to improve the efficiency and accessibility of land administration services.

It includes systematic land regularisation actions, notably through projects to set up basic mapping, an information and public awareness campaign, community demarcation (DELCOM), and land use rights regularisation (DUAT). In all, more than 2 million titles of occupation and 1,200 communities will be provided.In this context, IGN FI has been selected to carry out the delimitation of 120 DELCOMs and 200,000 DUATs, in association with the METOP company. The project, planned to last 17 months, began in October 2021 and will mobilise all of IGN FI’s expertise and local partners for its realisation.

IGN FI is currently conducting numerous projects in the field of land tenure, whether rural or urban, among which the transformation of the land administration chain (ICR) project, the implementation of a rural land administration information system in Ivory Coast, the addressing of the district of Abidjan and the implementation of a unique addressing reference system (ICR), projects to support security of tenure in Burundi and Madagascar, and the implementation of a land information system in Uganda, Tanzania and Trinidad.