Corporate brochure
To know more about IGN FI, its expertise and its main references abroad.
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Cartography / SDI
An indispensable tool to understanding territories, maps have been diversified to a great extent in the form of geographic databases, either vector or raster. Mapping work in countries is increasingly embedded in a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) approach.
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Cadastre / Land registry / Land valuation
Geographic information is an essential component of these projects through cadastral data collection and update. The development of complete land information systems combines these geographic layers also with various modules related to land registry management.
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Securing land rights
Today it is an accepted principle that good land governance has a positive impact on economic development, social cohesion, food security and the reduction of poverty.
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Geodesy / Metrology
The regeneration of a country’s geodetic network is therefore absolutely fundamental for its development in view of the large range of sectors concerned: land administration, urban development, drainage and transport networks, national security…
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Agriculture / Forests
Geographic information is essential in countries where agriculture represents a major part of the country’s national economy and food safety is threatened economy and food safety is threatened. Conflicts of use between forests and other land uses are now an integral part of international action plans concerning climatic changes and particularly within the framework of the REDD+ mechanism.
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Environment / Risks
For the States eager to take action, environmental information and the tools enabling to use theses data are essential, as well as preseve environment, prevent and manage risks.
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Defence / Civil security
The in-depth, detailed knowledge of its territory is a key element for a State for setting its policies on risk prevention, management of catastrophes or good governance of its border areas.
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Border cartography & mapping
The absence of border demarcations between States can lead to major tensions, whether between the countries directly concerned or for other states.
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Defense / Geoint
Geographical information is an essential decision-making tool at the heart of security and defense issues.
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